Eclectic Studios

Saturday, July 8, 2006


Oh the irony… I'm about to cause a total paradox… I'm going to blog about blogging. I'm sure I'm not the first person to do this, but if the people that access this blog are the people I hope they will be, namely my clients, I thought I'd go ahead and put together a short how-to on the subject.

Why Should I care?
- Consider Blogging a marketing effort.

I'm sure you're no stranger to the idea of sending out a newsletter to remain top-of mind with your clients and prospects. Blogging is a natural extension of this. Now, many people try o send out newsletters via email. This is a very solid and sound tactic. Unfortunately, it's also a task that al too often gets put off, ignored, and as a result happens far less frequently as it should. This is one of blogging's biggest appeals. Blogging is a relatively coarse medium. There's no need for polish or refinement. It's a come-as you are medium. Just string together a few paragraphs to make a point and you're in business. The tools make it easy, and there's no danger of spamming.

But the big deal is this - People find websites via search engines, and search engines like text information. A great way to get found is by sharing information in a blog. You can provide your contact information right in the blog itself or link back to your website.

How do I get started? – You're already halfway there!
Well it's alarmingly easy, especially if you're already here. You can do as I did and head straight to Sign up for a free account, create a title for your blog, pick a design template and start typing. Presto-change-o! You're now a blogger!

Now blogger has it's share of critics and many people feel that is a superior product. I'm not as familiar with it, but is completely free. It's a good place to get your feet wet in this world of real-time publishing. Good luck and let me know how it works for you!

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